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Cards can be sourced from
manufacturers around the
world with pricing dependent
on colours used and quantity
produced. In order to
facilitate start-up projects,
Star Micronics can provide
boxes of 100 “blank” thin or
thick cards for the TCP300 II
and TCP400 respectively.
Star’s expertise has resulted in a range of integration
tools from Active X controls, Microsoft Windows™ drivers
to Windows / Linux™ based support libraries.
4. Star “Know-How”
5. Unlimited Applications
Blank cards
Security Access / Employee Time
Tracking Systems
What could be easier for security purposes than a card
that, not only opens the appropriate door etc., but also
states clearly where an employee or visitor should or
should not be within a building? Star’s proven technology
is ideal for us in a reception environment. Visitor /
Employee information can be quickly updated showing
clearly which areas can be accessed or how many hours
have been worked for flexi-time purposes.
Just as the “paperless” office has never fully been realised,
commerce is now fully aware of just how profitable the
printed word is with regards to loyalty. Users can now
literally “see” their progress and are motivated as to just
why they should remain loyal and return!
Membership / Electronic Wallets
The output of high quality graphics and photos has led
to more and more membership schemes using the
Star range of Visual Card Systems enabling fast and
“diplomatic” member verification. These advantages also
work in a variety of other industries from crèches to
snooker halls. IC Chip use on the TCP400 cards can lead
to the inclusion of an “electronic wallet” scheme as it is
well known that members spend more money with cards
than cash!
Appointment Cards
Whether you are a hairdresser, driving instructor or a
dentist, you will know the amount of money lost through
“forgotten” appointments. Star’s experience has shown
that the production of a high quality appointment card
(which can be re-used for subsequent customers)
reduces this frustrating commercial problem.